#LockdownEditions FAQs

I love the idea, can I release a print with you?

On this occasion, we have decided that this will be by invitation only. We have a very limited amount of resources to make these releases happen on a regular basis, and therefore the number of artists that we release prints with needs to be planned way ahead of time. We are currently at capacity. That isn’t to say that you can’t release your own print through your own channels though.

Do the artists really get all of the profits?

Yes. The nominal printing fee comes off immediately when someone clicks ‘pay’ on the website, and then the remaining amount goes to the artist. Minus the printing cost, the artists take away almost 90% of the full value of the print, and Delphian does not make a penny.

Have the artist paid any upfront costs?

No, they have not.

What does “time-limited” mean?

Each print will be available for 30 days, and then no longer. This is for a number of reasons, the first being that for a print to be valuable, it can’t be unlimited. We have decided to limit the prints by time so as to not unnecessarily limit the amount an artist can make from these prints – but also so that we can still keep releasing prints that are always fresh, and we don’t have too many clogging up the page at once.

Will the prints be signed?

These prints will not be signed. This is for two reasons, firstly we wanted to make these as reasonably-priced and accessible as possible. Secondly, with the current lockdown in place, we decided that it wouldn’t be prudent to have to arrange for us or the artists to have to make unnecessary trips to the post office. They will, however, come with a Certificate of Authenticity.

When are the prints being released, and how can I make sure I don’t miss one?

We will be publicising these releases through our social media, so be sure to follow us on Instagram at @DelphianGallery. You can also sign up to our mailing list HERE. We won’t be announcing each release on this page though – so please also find us on social media or regularly check the website.

Are you donating a share of the profits to charity?

All of the artists taking part are of course free to donate as much or as little of the profits to charity if they wish. As we aren’t making any money out of this project, we didn’t think it would be fair for us to decide how the artists spent their money.

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