Looking after your Mental Health during the Lockdown.

Staying productive and busy during times like these can definitely be beneficial. Having said that, it is as important as ever to look after your mental health in this unprecedented time. Make sure that you are giving yourselves some downtime, time to think, time to process, and to keep yourselves healthy. Here are some useful resources that we’ve found.
How to look after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak
A comprehensive range of advice during the lockdown, from tips for employers and employees to look after their mental health, to advice regarding finance, housing, and unemployment worries. Read it HERE
Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure
If you really want to spend time on yourself, this is a really interesting article from Dr Aisha Ahmad who has worked and lived under conditions of war, violent conflict, poverty, and disaster in many places around the world. She has experienced food shortages and disease outbreaks, as well as long periods of social isolation, restricted movement, and confinement. Read it HERE
Home workouts and youtube classes you can follow at home easily to keep fit and healthy
Staying active is essential for feeling good and healthy – this is even more necessary when we are locked inside for most of the day. Luckily, there are lots of resources out there that can help you stay active at home. Find them HERE
Tips from nutrition experts on how to maintain a healthy diet while in lockdown.
Eating well is also another useful way of affecting our mental state. It can be difficult to do this when out access to ingredients is more limited, but luckily these nutrition experts have taken this into account. Read it HERE
6 tips for mental health and wellbeing when staying at home
This list is helpful not only because it provides some tips of how to take care of your mental health, but it also provides some links to other useful resources. Read it HERE
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga with Adriene is a great channel with over 100 different yoga videos to help you stay healthy and calm at home. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Find it HERE